Saturday, 8 September 2012

From none to three... how lucky can I be?

It appears my writing is driven by wine.... or my wine consumption driven by my eagerness to relive the past... who knows, either way, i hope this next phase of my comedic upbringing brings smiles to your faces and nods of understanding, or cringing... or both :D

So, carrying on from where we left off... Internet is a new thing. We had a family computer, and one of my sisters had signed up to yahoo messenger. She apparently left it online all the time.
One day I was sitting at the computer, and got an IM from someone saying.. Hi, how are you?
I replied that I was ok, but that i wasn't my sister (her yahoo msn). he then replied that he didn't know my sister, simply that he read her profile and thought he would say hi....

Being my first experience meeting someone fully online, I can't say it went too bad. This guy was funny, smart, caring. studying medical school, also a football ref in his free time, he lived up north (14 hour drive from me) and liked writing real letters. We exchanged emails and letters for a few months. he became my diary, my confidant. We became very close, to the point where he decided he was going to get a train and come and visit me, this girl he had never before met!!! (we shall name him Doctor north boy)

Meanwhile in my daily life.... i had signed up for driving lessons, and first day of class, i ran into the best friend of a guy i had briefly dated during my previous year in school.... the one thing i will always remember was how good he smelled ... mmmm.... we hung out that week every day before and after class, talking, getting to know each other (token name: ex's bestie).... This being the week before Doctor north boy was due to come and visit.!!!

I started telling ex's bestie about doc north boy, and how i was nervous about meeting him as we had only ever spoken on the phone or by email, and he was going to stay at my house for a week... he simply listened and appeared supportive.

The day came when Doctor north boy arrived. I greeted him at the train station with an awkward hug. Through the months of talking I had developed feelings for this man... but..... in the last week, it had all become topsy turvy with ex's bestie in the picture.... needless to say, confusion was, and always will be, my middle name!

Doc and I hung out, i took him to some sightseeing, and then told him we were invited to a party at my ex's flat (by ex... this was an old school mate that i went out with for a few weeks, but didnt really like in the end). his bestie was going clearly, as well as some other school friends.
We got there... and were drinking, we left the flat to head to the bars, and I found myself walking with ex's bestie. I told him i was so confused as I wasn't used to having 3 guys into me..... he said : "3? well, i guess you're right..." so i told him i felt he might have a solid chance in the running....then we all went out partying. At the end of the night, somehow i found myself with ex, ex's bestie, and doctor north boy..............................walking along the beach, and then the 4 of us sat down.... ex, ex's bestie, me, and doctor north boy. (in that order)  I was drunk... nervous... terrified... exhilirated, and confused.

Sitting there for what seemed like hours, i ended up gradually leaning towards ex's bestie, and holding his hand... then at some point we kissed... the world stopped. I looked around and the other two had vanished.
I wanted to worry about Doctor boy as he was supposed to stay at mine, but soon saw that he had merely walked a ways away, and was being a gentleman...

My relationship with ex's bestie went on to become my first serious relationship... almost 2 years running... i lost tough with ex (he got very pissed off that night) and as for Doctor north boy.... well..... he became a doctor, and years later I was finally able to return the favour of the visit. I managed a 14 hour bus journey up to him a few years later with an ecological excuse to go, however once there he kidnapped me from my duties, and took me around his hometown as well as showing me his flat later... :)
the first kiss i had with him was a scary thing... as I knew he had so many mixed feelings for me ( anger and resentment from the past, filled with eagerness and curiosity in the now) we knew things would never be, but we had unfinished business.... needless to say, he is to this day still a god friend (in a long distance capacity), is happily married, and still thinks of me fondly as i do of him....

Moral of the story:
Friends are destined to be friends, no matter what the circumstances they go through. we met by chance, unfortunate events caused turmoil and doubt... however years down the line, we laugh, and miss each other..... Never underestimate a good friend, for if they are truly good, forgiveness will always be in their hearts, and you will always have them one way or another in your life.

Nothing happens by chance in this life..... find meaning in everything...... find hope in sadness, find strength in madness :)

Stay posted... next chapter is undecided... present or past? i may have to just to current events :D

Happy weekend!

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