Thursday, 30 August 2012

An intro to my chaos

this is a blog...
first time i try this... but a friend who has heard some of my stories insisted i should blog about them, apparently, what i find insane and funny, may actually appeal to the masses as well!

To say my life takes odd twists, is to put it lightly... I come from a supportive family background, have a degree, moved around the world, met more people than I could ever think to remember, and cried more tears than I thought possible. I suffer from serial empathy, and an intense need to fix things and people. My profession leads me to fix people, however i seem to apply the same rule in my relationships, which thus far has equalled me going with men who needed fixing... slippery slope away from happiness if you ask me!

On occasion, I may meet a man who doesn't need fixing, but those are the ones I tend to scare away---> ever seen how to lose a guy in 10 days --- sums up some things i've done! ---

needless to say... I'm starting this blog with many of these funny experiences behind me already.. so i feel that an initial blogging trip into the past is the best approach, let the present and future appear when you avid learners are all caught up.

As far as intros go... I think i've said what needs to be said... and its too late to write the first official story, but if i've spiked your curiosity, please stay tuned... you won't be disappointed :)

Peace out fellow travellers of love and life... and remember, we all end the same, what makes us different is the journey!

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